Real World Gardener is funded by the Community Broadcasting Foundation
The complete CRN edition of RWG is available on , just click on 2RRR to find this week’s edition.
The new theme is sung by Harry Hughes from his album Songs of the Garden. You can hear samples of the album from the website
Wildlife in Focus
with ecologist Sue Stevens
In fact, this rather imposing name simply means that this group of birds belongs to honeyeaters.
One of the smallest of these honey-eaters sings with one note when it’s perched, and only twitters when it’s flying.
Let’s find out a bit more about the bird with one note.
Louise who lives in the lower Blue Mountains, wrote in to say that this bird with one note, visits Louise’s garden quite regularly, around 8am in the morning and again in the afternoon around 3pm.
But, being a small bird, she hasn’t been able to spot it.

These birds lap nectar from flowers much as cats lap milk from a dish, although the birds' lapping movements are much faster.
When the liquid-moistened brush is pulled back into the bird's mouth, the brush is squeezed against the upper mandible to push all fluid out so the bird can swallow it.
If you’ve seen this bird, taken a photo, or want to know more about it, why not drop us a line. to or by post to 2RRR P.O. Box 644 Gladesville NSW 1675, or post them on Real World Gardeners facebook page, we’d love to hear from you.
Vegetable Heroes
Capsicums are from the Solanaceae
family, with tomatoes and eggplants.
The name probably was derived from the
Greek word kapto, which means to
"to bite" or "to swallow."
Just like the tomato, capsicums
are botanically fruits, but are generally considered in cooking and eating to
be vegetables.
Did you know that fossilized grains of
Capsicums were found on grinding stones and cooking pots used in the Americas
some 4000 years ago? (that’s Mexico, Central America and northern South
America,) Christopher
Columbus of course was mostly responsible for exporting capsicums, along with
potatoes to the rest of the world in the 1400’s.
There are 30 species of capsicum in
the world, but only five of these have been domesticated.
All of these wild capsicums still
grow in the wild mainly in South America, such as in Brazil.
Just recently two new capsicum
species were discovered in Bolivia so discovering diversity is an on-going
Why are we talking about
capsicums in the middle of winter?
- Capsicums take ages to grow so we need to give a good head-start.
- If you live in temperate zones around Australia, zones you have from August until the end of December to sow the seeds of capsicums because of the long lead up time before the capsicum is ready to eat.
- If you live in cool temperate districts, September until November, are the times you start you capsicums from seed, preferably undercover somewhere.In arid areas, September is a good time to sow the seeds under cover, but from then on you can plant them directly into the ground right until next April.
- In warmer sub-tropical and tropical areas, you can sow Capsicums almost all year, from June until next March.
- Did you know that commercial growers can either buy in seedlings or sow seed. Container-grown seedlings from commercial nurseries cost about $90 per thousand plus the cost of the seed, especially for new hybrid varieties may be up to $9000 per kilogram.
- All capsicum seeds need higher temperatures than tomatoes to germinate-in the 230C to 280C range.
- Capsicum seeds can be a difficult seed germinate, and seedlings grow slowly. The other drawback is that it takes 70-90 days or 2 1/2 to 3 months for your capsicum to mature, depending on the variety you’re growing.

The sweetest capsicums are those that have been allowed to ripen fully on the plant in full sunshine, while those that are picked when green and ripened in storage are less sweet.
After you get your seedlings going, pick a spot in the got that is the hottest-with the longest hours of sunshine.
Do the usual by, adding plenty of compost, manure, and a general fertilizer.
When to Plant:
- In cooler districts, transplant young seedlings outdoors after the last chance of frost.
- If the weather is still cool, delay transplanting a few days, and keep them in a cold-frame, indoors or next to the house.
- Capsicums don’t like to dry out and actually prefer moist but not wet soil. It might not seem important now, but months down the track, water regularly as the weather warms up..
- When your capsicum plants start to get bigger and small flowers appear, switch over to a fertilizer higher in Phosphorous and Potassium.
- Something like tomato feed should do the trick.
- You don’t want just all bush and no plants do you?
are self pollinators.
Occasionally, they will cross
pollinate from pollen carried by bees or other insects.
If you don’t want hot capsicums,
don't plant hot chillies too close.
Don't worry though, as it will not
affect the fruit of this year's crop.
The cross will show up in the
genetics of the seeds, if you save them. Capsicums and chilli peppers are
almost identical except for the level of Capsaicin which gives chillies and
some peppers that “hot”sensation.
Why are they good for you?
Red capsicums have very high levels
of vitamin C - 1 capsicum has enough vitamin C to meet the daily needs of 10
people and yellow and green capsicums have nearly as much.
Did you know that compared to green
peppers, red peppers have more vitamins and nutrients and contain the
antioxidant lycopene.
Red capsicums are also rich in beta
carotene which the body converts to vitamin A, vitamin E and a good source of folate
(one of the B vitamins).
One red capsicum contains almost
the equivalent of almost 2 teaspoons of natural sugar, which is why it tastes
so sweet and delicious.
Yellow capsicums are sweet with
natural sugars too, but green capsicums have much less sugar, so they’re a
little more bitter.
But wait-What’s eating your plants?
Several insects enjoy your capsicums
plants. Spider mites and aphids are the most common. You’ll know when these
have been around because the leaves of the capsicum will become deformed.
Generally that’s too late to spray with anything.
You can spray early on with an
organic oil spray or one that contains potassium soap.
If you get holes in the leaves, it
may be small snails, or even loopers.
Snails don’t like copper sprays, but
only spray if you have an infestation, otherwise just pick off the snails.
For loopers,-that’s the young of a
brown night time moth, use a product that contains Neem oil.
It’s safe, it’s organic and it’s
made in Australia. Eco Organic Garden Neem Oil.
You can also use products that
contain Spinosad, and potassium soap against these loopers.
Yates Success contains spinosad,
Yates Natrasoap is good for chewing insects too.
Design Elements
with landscape Designer Louise McDaid
When you look at your garden, can
you see the wood for the trees?
Have the trees and shrubs taken
This problem seem to sneak up on us,
and before we know it, there’s too much shade, and you’ve lost a lot niceness
about your garden that you started with.
But before you get out those loppers
yourself, take a step back and listen to this.
Before you go out into the garden,
remember lopping big branches is really a job for the experts.
The branch is always heavier than
you thought it was, and has a habit of falling in a different direction to what
you had planned.
Not to mention that getting up
ladders with loppers and side cutters is quite dangerous.
Plant of the Week:
Pieris japonica -this plant might also be known as Lilly of the
Valley shrub, but I personally haven’t heard it called that, but it does have
Lilly of the Valley type of flowers.
From the Ericaceae family, together with Azaleas and Rhododendrons, but the flowers are very different.
Pieris are compact evergreen shrubs with leathery, dark green leaves, often brightly coloured when young, and small white urn-shaped flowers in panicles in spring.
If you hanker after lilly of the valley type of
flowers but can’t grow the Lilly of the valley bulb, then this shrub fits the
But there’s a surprise in store when it comes
to colour.
Not just those lovely creamy waxy flowers,
there’s a new colour out to fit other colour schemes.
Plant a
Pieris or Lilly of the Valley shrub along with Hostas, epimediums and ferns as
partners, oh and of course, Azaleas, Rhododendrons and Camellias.
Pieris Japonica “Flamingo”
Pieris japonica Flamingo
is a superb neat and compact evergreen shrub that is covered in dark pink bell
shaped flowers, that fade with age, from late winter through to early
New growth comes out bronze and turns dark green.
Growing Conditions for all Pieris cultivars.
Grow these plants in -Cool, Temperate, Arid, Semi-arid, Mild Tropical, Tropical Climate
Pieris like a full sun to part shade position in cool temperate districts.
Pieris like a full sun to part shade position in cool temperate districts.
A full sun position
will yield more flowers but that’s only for cool temperate districts.

Choose a shady location in temperate to tropical areas, because the leaves burn easily in temperatures over 300 degrees C.
These plants grow well in acidic, moderately fertile, humus-rich soil
but may need some protection in winter when young.
All Pieris are frost hardy when established.
They can get white wax scale on their limbs.
Just rub these pests off with your fingers.
Grows 1.8-2m high x 1m wide
Pruning Pieris is almost never needed.
Once established, most evergreen shrubs are fairly low
maintenance and need little or no regular pruning.
Pruning, when you need to
take out some foliage to shape it to your liking, is generally carried out in mid to late spring.
If you’ve
got a Pieris in your garden and it’s not flowering for you, a common problem is
too much shade, planted too deeply (believe it or not, this happens a bit too
often), or allowed to dry out too much in late summer/early autumn when the
buds set.
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